Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Map Mats

I went to the book store last week and found something wonderful: Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts!

EVERYONE needs a copy of this book! She shows you how to do so many things! And as a bonus, once you know how to use the supplies, you can come up with ideas of your own!

This week I tackled pretty paper mats, which is VERY simple.

She used nautical charts. I just couldn't bear to cut mine up, so I bought a world map, a U.S. map, and I cut up a NYC map I bought there in March.

New York Mat with a pic of Rachel and Me in Central Park

Then I cut a mat out of a U.S. map and made sure to include Florida. I put in a picture of Lucas and me at the beach when we were little and added it to the display behind my couch.

This was the first time I've used spray-adhesive. So easy! So snazzy!

Now to decide on my next project...

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