Monday, December 13, 2010


I got my Nov/Dec issue of Veranda, um, a while ago. I avoided looking through it for about a month, because I'm almost never inspired by what's inside. Not so with the new issue! I went straight to the back where all the homes are featured, and the very first one was this lovely Aspen home designed by Carolyne Roehm.

Westbury 7

Westbury 8

It feels so much fresher than the stuff usually featured in this mag.

Westbury 6

Of course, I am a pretty big fan of antlers.

Westbury 5

Organization with fresh, but earthy green.

Westbury 4

This is maybe a bit overdone for my taste, but if you're gonna do a traditional room this is how it's done. The yellow on the walls feels modern to me.

Westbury 3

Westbury 2

Westbury 1

I hope the magazine continues in this direction. Honestly, it feels a lot more like Elle Decor or House Beautiful than Veranda (which is great with me!). I checked the credits and this newest issue was published under their new Editor-in-Chief, Dara Caponigro (she was a founding editor of Domino!).

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